Mother Sky
Mother Sky is a reproduction of a West German fuzz pedal, originally produced by Schaller, and commonly associated with Michael Karoli from the groundbreaking (and a personal favourite of the creator) band, ‘Can’.
Also used by other European psychedelic acts of the day such as Sweden’s ‘International Harvester’, this is essentially an alternate-universe Fuzz Face variant with some subtle differences from its Dallas Arbiter/Dunlop Anglo cousins, and is considered by some to be the ‘secret best’ variant of the fuzz face, with a little more low end when playing lower notes, and more piercing yet controlled high end, with long sustain.
Back for a limited run, the Mother Sky is built with a selection of quality and NOS components including Phillips capacitors and hand-picked 1970s BC239B and BC109B transistors** (as used in the original model), the Mother Sky brings Karoli’s distinctive fuzz tones from tracks such as ‘Paperhouse’, ‘Deadlock’ and ‘I Want More’ with a pedalboard friendly size, 9v DC power, true bypass and top-mounted jacks, with artwork inspired by one of their well-known records.
**subject to availability - but will always be close!